Friday 2 March 2012



A man in a jungle was living with his little life by cutting tree and selling the timber in a nearby town. He was a happy content man with his small life. Even though he had little to spend, he spends his days with joy and merry making. He used to go to jungle to cut wood everyday and returned at evening. At evening he goes to market and sold it to the town folks .One day while cutting wood, he encountered a honey bee hive .His heart was contented with honey, he stopped his wood cutting and went to get the honey from bee hive, but it was not easy to get honey from their hive’s .To enter the palace of jewel, you have to pass through countless guard’s. He tried hard to get through the bees and achieved his goal. As he reached his destination never he would never expected, a panther was waiting for him . HE ran for his life, but who can escape the power of those ferocious claws and gnaws who has defeated mightiest when it comes to chase for their prey. But when death approaches, even a snail will try to surpass a panther and the thinly heard working slender human surely can do better. He ran and ran without a second thought.

He has not covered a hundred yard, he was stumbled by some unknown enemy. The path of forest is surely mysterious, not only he was stumbled by high mangrove roots but he himself landed in another hell. He fell into a well .For a wink of second he thought he died, but the next second he thought he was saved .He was overcame by a satisfaction that cannot be described by mere word .But the truth was he was in the same vicious circle .This time he was saved by the same treacherous root that lead him to h misery. He was saved, in fact momentarily by its support
The man was lying by holding the root in one hand, while his other hand was still grabbing  the  honey he found and he was saved
Now the man is in a critical condition where the entire path before and after, above and below are closed for him. A moment ago his life was happy and a wink‘s of second ago he got this mysterious pleasure from breaking bee hive and was about to taste it, but now he is lying rather hanging between his life and death, between pleasure and salvation. Since his two hands are supporting him to hold tightly the root, prevent him from falling into well, but how long .He even can’t risk to coming to surface, because the hungry panther is waiting for him .Or he should just drink the honey and be ready for what may happen next
This is the story of every man, who strives to survive on this earth. Some may thing life to enjoy and drink the honey but he don’t know what may happen next, may be the next second his other hand slip and he fell
One may wait for the upcoming future; the tiger will go away, yes! It will go eventually but who know when, and may be if you try to come out, the panther would eat you the instant you land on surface. One never know the brutality the word posses
What one will do will change his life forever

and this all about life

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